Looking at the beautiful weather today, we decide to chuck our regular weekday issue related post and share something you will enjoy.
So Doston, here’s a beautiful song written and performed by an Indian blues rock punk fusion band called G2 Live sent to us by their lead singer Jiten about guess what…Potholes. What else did you think ChangeBhai will post a song about!?! Rainbow! Medak! Pakoda! Aashiqui-3

But… but…hang on…if you think it will be a boring or a preachy kinda song, then you are so wrong!
Close your windows. Turn up your system volume and be ready for some serious head banging. #DhyanSeHaan
Audio clip and song lyrics below.
Song Lyrics :
Staring at the starlight
On a new full moon
Thinking of tomorrow
Same Old doom
Wondering in the daylight
Howz it gonna be
Hoping for an angel
To come n kill me
I’m just a pothole
Wanna break down n cry
Im just a pothole
Wud Somebody jus try
I’m just a pothole
For everyone to see
I’m just a pothole
Please set me free
Woke up last summer
As the sun shined away
Facing peoples anger
Till the roller came that day
White linen men
Counting the bucks
Khaki clad workers
Toiled the stoned trucks
I’m just a pothole
Wanna break down n cry
Im just a pothole
Wud Somebody jus try
I’m just a pothole
For everyone to see
I’m just a pothole
Please set me free
Shiny happy people
Forgot about me
Jus the clouds opened
Wont let me be
Back to the horror
People cursed away
Brakes n screeching torture
Mishaps every day
And after listening to this cool song, even if 10% of you guys go ahead and upload a pothole issue on ChangeBhai, this post will be worth it. Totally! C’mon, be an Angel and kill them. Arre..gaane mein likha hai aise. Angel waali baat.