Can you think of anyone, like any-freaking-sane-person to whom these parking spaces (pics above) will appeal? No?! Lemme tell you. To these guys here. Grrrr.

They will love it. #SlurpSlurp #WhaddaChallenge
The civic sense of us Indians is legendary and traffic sense is not to be left behind either. These terms mentioned below, for example, are clearly alien/french/greek to most Indians.
Right of way. Kyun jaane doon main kisi ko. #MardangiPeKalank.
Excessive honking. Hamara horn. Hamaari marji.
Lane Discipline. Kaun banaya ye @#$%&@#* rule.
Speed Restriction. Nayi gaadi li hai bhai ne.
And the worst of all.
Parking Discipline. Chup be! Time nahi hai faltu.
By the way, the image above was uploaded by a Mumbai user, refer ChangeBhai issue#A0417 “Double parking caravans on main rd”. The issue was resolved by the Changebhai team with a lot of help from Mumbai Traffic Police. Do not forget to check out the lengthy resolution comments below the issue description.
The buggers were shooed away from one spot and they changed their location to another spot closeby. Check ChangeBhai issue#A0485 “Double bus parking still happening”. Thanks to the Mumbai traffic police Constable Wakde for helping us resolve this menace. Work in progress. Phew.
So, if any of you see similar traffic offenses on your way to work or in your neighborhood, you know what to do. No, you don’t?!?
All you need to do is take a picture, log on to and report the issue. Supra eazy!
Ok. So, I still have some word limit left for this blog. Joke time. Old joke this one:
Santa parked his truck in ‘No Parking’.
When he returned he saw a note on his truck. “Parking Fine”
Santa writes “Thanks for the compliment”.